It’s a blog for Women from Women.
It’s about Love, Relationship, Partners, Husband, Children, In-Laws, Siblings, Girlfriends, Partners, Lovers, Heartache, Loneliness, Office gossips, Sadness, Stress, Depression, Demotivation...and even Happiness? It’s for us all women to share on our life lessons, or experiences, or to giving sound advices to each other. Or just to lend a pair of listening ears.
After all, "aren't women… so much more interesting to men than men are to women? Virginia Woolf
Do you 'Live to Eat?' or 'Eat to Live?' Whatever it is 'Abundance of eating means Wealth!' Just as 'Good Health is Wealth!' Hence, Food & Health = Wealth.
Do you 'Live to Eat?' or 'Eat to Live?' Whatever it is 'Abundance of eating means Wealth!' Just as 'Good Health is Wealth!' Hence, Food & Health = Wealth.