I like this article 'Still going steady'. (Copy & Paste this link "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/12/04/AR2009120403221.html?referrer%3Demailarticle").
For those good old days, remember how our life partnership routine would be "from childhood or school or college courtship to the altar". How it would usually involve as many as four pieces of jewelry, all hers: "You dated, then went steady and wore a friendship ring on a chain around your neck; then you were possibly pinned with his fraternity emblem (though this practice was falling off a bit); then engaged; then married. And all by age 22 or mid 20s."
Well that's what happens to my class of 1979. Most of my school friends did married their secondary school sweetheart and till now they are still together as the saying goes 'for better or worst'.
Whilst most these days, be it Western or Asian has evolve from this but the Asian's values somehow is still prevalent. To the Asian, family is still the priority and women usually sacrifice their youth by staying on a bad marriage for the sake of their young children. It's all part of the Asian's upbringing where the daughters are conditioned from young age by the mothers - that it's acceptable for men to stray as long he brings back the dough!
Despite all that is said about women's lib, it's still happening, women are still accepting.
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