It's being a while since I have written. It's Valentine today, February 14. At age of 54, Valentine has became a quiet evening, although not that I had lots of celebration before.
Am writing again to pen down my thoughts. As kids grows up, they have somehow became very outspoken individual. Gone are those days of my mom's era where kids do not answer back their parents, even if they are already in their 30s.
My friend went to visit his daughter during the Christmas holiday. For some reason, his daughter told him off that he smelt bad, and that she can't stand to be sitting on the same dining table with him. Even 'if' he really smells bad (which he don't at all), a daughter in her 30s should not have bluntly told the father off.
Would you have tell your friend off if he/she smells bad? No, we will try to be polite, to find a way to tell him/her nicely. We try to be polite. But when it's someone close to us, we do not hesitate at all to tell them off bluntly, without a care for their feelings.
Somehow this incident makes me realised that children in their independence, in their growing up into 30s, 40s, away from parents may turn out to be children that one won't have expect them to become. In this instance, am thinking, could it be because parents have expectation of them? If parents don't have expectations of them then there won't be any disappointment.
In any other circumstances, it's the same - don't expect and you won't be hurt. Just do it willingly and don't expect any reciprocation.
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