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Monday, May 24, 2010

Going through the motions of life!

As I was rushing from one chore to the other, from one errand to the other, it kind of dawn to me that we seems to live life like in motion, like a programmed robot. We are driven by habits that we kind of automatically run from doing one task, one chore, one errand to the other like a clock ticking away automatically.

As I take a step backward, I can see my brain thinking ahead of each task. Synchronizing all the tasks, planning ahead which or what I should do first so that the tasks flows through smoothly, from one to the other so that time is well capitalized.

Yes, time is the key factor. We are all racing against time. Against the limited, 2-days weekend that we have. In fact we are lucky that we do not work on Saturday. Imagine those days when Saturday was a working day! We have less weekend time then. But yet we managed.

Some of you might not think so. But if you really step back and conduct a post mortem of a busy day, I think you would know what I meant. We are running around, doing things but just not really in full awareness, in full presence of what we are really doing. It's almost look like we are in a dream. Remember how our dream are like, we are motionless, supposedly in sleep, but our mind busy with activities. And when we woke up, we somehow can't remember clearly and after a few minutes, the remembrances all fade away. Same in what we doing everyday, we run around doing all the things and when we sit down end of the day, we somehow can't recall. At times, we can't even recall what we eat yesterday.

And if we had kids, do you not agree that sometimes we just do not really listen to them, but just give automated answers to their questions! Many times, am reminded to stop what am doing and listen when they come to you. But somehow, they seem to need your attention more when you are extremely busy. We are all just human, I suppose.

It's yet another new week. Another Monday. Another week ahead. Have a great busy 'dream' week again.

1 comment:

  1. It's so true. Many times my mind is just busy thinking, thinking when driving. And my hand seems to know which turn to make. Next thing I know am in office!
