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Monday, October 5, 2009

Do Asian Women do Dumb or Irritional Things?

Have you ever wonder how and why ordinary people do unusual things, things that seem alien to their natures. And why good people can sometimes act evil? Why smart people sometimes do dumb or irrational things? The link to this article is interesting and I agreed to point 1 where we at times can be carried away by the 'cover' of the acquaintance that we let ourselves be carried away by the beauty of the person. We will choose to ignore our intelligent judgement or our inner judgement that rings the alarm bell, as we by nature are creatures of sight and hearing.

And with so many quality myths on Asian Women, would you say that Asian Women could get away by the virtue of the myths?


1 comment:

  1. Does it matter if women did a dumb or stupid thing. Most important is how they cover it up. And Asian Women sure can get away with just about anything. By virtue of the myths and mystiques surrounding them. It's the silly men that choose to be blinded with their soft, spoken, honey sweet voice, 'damsel in distress' look. Especially Western men. It's the men's weakness too, needing a 'damsel' to boost their ego, to make them feel wanted :-)
