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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Women's Growing Love of Porn!

So women are watching more porn’s and loving it these days? Interesting especially when Asian women are perceived to be more conservative. Asian women always seems to carry that demure, shy look that makes the man feels weak and want to protect them. Has this change or maybe just the China women that still try to portray that demure, shy, sweet looking, soft-spoken damsels in distress? And would you openly admit that you love watching porn or you watch you prior to sex to get some excitement. Personally I don't feel anything now compared to those younger days when I was just exposed to porn. Now I would say that 'descriptive words' works better, hence, maybe reading porn might be more interesting. Share your thoughts.



  1. Interestingly you mentioned china women still trying to potray theat demure, shy, ....Let me share a story from a friend - let's call him Jeff. Jeff is British, an expat working in Beijing. He has an interesting experience which according to him is very common among the caucasian men. Jeff ran into a young China lady neighbour in the apartment lift one day, her hands were full with groceries and she was struggling to carry them. As a gentleman, he offered his help to bring the stuff home for her. Then, they exchange msn etc. The very night, Jeff received 3 photos of hers, in nude. Back view, front view without face then front view with face...hahaha....The following weekend, they ran into each other at the condo's swimming pool. After some time, she invited Jeff back to her apartment, she went to shower leaving her shower room door opened..openly inviting Jeff.. In fact, after spending some time in china, i realised many of these chinese girls are far more open-minded and daring than we asian girls. Another incident is my personal experience. I was with a couple friend (KK&CC) from Singapore in the bar, the type with bright light and lounge music. As the 2 love birds were whispering to each other i was feeling bored and started to chat with my bf on the phone. After a good 15-20 min, my friend hinted me to leave, as we left, CC told me, as i was talking on the phone, another caucasian was having his eyes on me all time, but there also another chinese young and attractive lady sitting on his lap and kissing and touching him all over...

    My point is, Chinese women are far more opened and daring than we thought.

  2. Wow..thats fast. Can't believe that Chinese women getting so daring.
